밥 - "bap" - food
안녕 - "an-nyeong" - hello and goodbye (informal)
고맙습니다 - "gam sa ham ni da" - thank you (formal)
What the heck is that?
Kimchi ( "김치") has been a staple in Korean cooking for thousands of years. Enjoyed both as a cold banchan ("반찬" or side dish) and as a leading ingredient in a variety of dishes, kimchi is versatile, complex, and loaded with healthy bacteria. Our homemade kimchi consists of Napa cabbage, coarse sea salt, radish, scallions, puréed Asian pear, ginger, garlic, and a special blend of seasonings based on red chili pepper flakes. In terms of flavor profile, kimchi is moderately spicy, pungent and tangy, and has a deep heady aroma. We're more than happy to give you a taste so you can try it for yourself!
How do you pronounce "Haeorum" and what does it mean?
Hey-OH-rum means "sunrise" in Korean.